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The Sempaya hot springs of Semuliki Valley National Park

The Sempaya hot springs in Semuliki National Park are more adventurous, exciting and most famous attraction in the park.

The male hot spring, also known as Bintente, measures up to about 12m in diameter while the female hot spring; Nyasimbi, meaning the female ancestors, is a boiling geyser which sprays bubbling water.

This female hot spring steam up to two meters high and the steam cloud can be seen from as far as 2km away. Local people used to cook their food in these boiling pools and the exciting bit of it is that the food gets ready for consumption.

Visitors are also given chance to experiment egg boiling after since food may take long. Boiling the eggs takes around 10mins for them to get ready. Those who wish to consume them. This is one of the most Africa adventure safaris you can ever take.

Want to visit Semuliki?

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