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Semuliki National Park Cultural Trips & Experiences/Encounters

The Batwa’s hunter-gatherer lifestyle means they have always been dependent on Semliki forest and here the traditional inhabitants of the park visit the park to extra materials such as green plants to be prepared as food, timber to build shelters for themselves, also extra different plant life to help them as medicine as well as some tools, though this is beginning to change as a result of interaction with other local communities.

Tourism offers an alternative source of income for the Batwa, and gives them the chance to maintain and display their rich cultural history through organized music and dance performances done to excite tourists at the performing place called Ntandi.

They also produce locally made handcrafts such as mats, baskets, local tools, huts clay pots, among others. In order to bring staged authenticity Aboma cultural village is currently under construction so that room can be created for the Batwa community who for long lived in the park area to demonstrate how they used to live in the forest.

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